
Help Me?

I’m trying to follow all the correct procedures for building an author platform. To assist the millions of readers who may eventually want to find me, many authors I respect suggest creating an author tagline.

What’s an author tagline? Good question. The best definition I can find is “a slogan that represents an author’s purpose for writing and implies what benefits a reader gains from the written content.” (I just made that up by juggling all I’ve learned in the past two weeks about creating an excellent tagline for my personal brand.)

I’ve created a poll with the top contenders for my author tagline as compiled from a recent Facebook status. No complaints if I’ve slightly changed up the slogan you loved in the earlier survey. I teased a few of them because that’s what I do – play with words.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. My author platform thanks you in advance for participating.

What do you think? Add to the discussion here.